

Post date: December 9, 2021 | Adventure

The Ultimate Guide To Men’s Accessories

In recent years, men’s style accessories have blossomed into a mega-industry! More and more men are using accessories to complement and enhance their style game than ever before, and never has it been more accepted to use these accessories for style and fashion purposes as opposed to more practical ones.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, men would wear accessories for the purpose of denoting social status. Jewels, precious metals, and rare materials were used as a means of communicating ones place, and that was their sole function. Nowadays, men’s accessories can be used as a means of communicating status, demonstrating affiliations, or even simply as style choices to enhance a wardrobe.

That being said, today, we want to talk about the men’s accessories that every man should consider as well as some dos and don’ts of accessorizing. We’ll be talking about:

  • Glasses
  • Watches
  • Bracelets
  • Necklaces
  • Rings

Before we move on, check out this video on the same topic! And don’t forget to subscribe to the Volt YouTube Channel!

Accessorizing with Glasses

Glasses are by far the most common accessory for men. They’re functional, fashionable, and versatile enough for men everywhere to get in on the action. Here are some dos and don’ts for choosing and wearing glasses.

Do: Choose frames that fit your face size and shape.

Glasses come in various shapes, styles, and sizes. Finding frames that fit your face is not going to be easy to do with a  general online list because of how unique features affect the way people look. It’s best to take someone honest with you when you head to any shop that sells glasses so you can try a few on and find the ones that fit you and your personality best!

Don’t: Wear sunglasses indoors.

Do I have to explain why?

Do: Choose glasses based on the formality of the occasion.

The materials that glasses are made of will give off a certain vibe of formality. For example, I wouldn’t wear wooden-frame glasses with a tuxedo based on the difference in formality between the two. PLastic and metal-frame glasses can somehow bridge the gap between formal and informal, depending on the style and color.

Don’t: Wear Transition Lenses

These specialized lenses were invented strictly for convenience, but we’ve yet to see someone truly pull them off without it looking quite tacky. It’s best to be prepared for the occasion by choosing either sunglasses or clear-frames (if you have a prescription) and wearing whatever is appropriate.

Accessorizing with Watches


Watches are likely an even more common men’s accessory than glasses are. In fact, watches have become a modern-day staple in every man’s wardrobe, and likely cost more than the entirety of the rest of a man’s outfit. Next to glasses, watches are the most practical men’s accessories because they carry a sole purpose.

Do: Watch Your Size

Terrible “watch” puns aside, watches come in a huge variety of shapes and sizes. You’ll want to select a watch carefully based on how large the diameter of the watch face will appear on your wrist. If you have smaller wrists, larger watches are going to be noticeably gaudy on you. Generally, the average man’s watch face diameter is about 40mm. Keep in mind that smaller diameters are going to make a watch look more subtle and classy, and larger diameters are going to make a watch look bulky and flashy.

Don’t: Neglect Your Attire

Your watch should roughly mimic the formality of your attire, although this rule has been loosened in modern years. Put simply, don’t wear a classy Rolex to the gym, or a G-shock in a tuxedo. Not cool.

Do: Wear on whichever wrist you want.

Traditionally, watches were expensive and valuable pieces of men’s wardrobe. Hence why the price of a watch hundreds of years ago often cost many times the average man’s salary. This is why men often say you should wear a watch on the left hand because most men were right-handed and wanted to avoid damaging the watch with the daily use of that hand. But as industrialization and mass production started taking hold, watches became available to the general public for much less money and became much more durable. In all, wear the watch on whatever wrist you want, modern watches can often take any day-to-day beating.

Don’t: Check Your Watch In Certain Instances

Don’t be the guy talking to your date or a friend and constantly checking your watch. It’s great to know what time it is, but it gives off a strong and obvious signal of disinterest. The same goes for weddings, family time, and many more sensitive situations in which you’ll want to be all present.

Accessorizing With Bracelets

Bracelets 1

Bracelets have long been worn by both men and women for various different reasons. Nowadays, they are one of the most common men’s accessories out there. They are unique in that, traditionally, there was really no practical use of a bracelet in men’s lives, much unlike watches, glasses, or even rings (signet).

Do: Keep it simple

A simple metal clasp and band can work wonders with almost any outfit. Simplicity also ensures that your bracelets are tasteful and useful for a variety of occasions. And try not to stack too many of them.

Don’t: Go Full Metal

Let’s forgo the middle-school leather bracelets complete with studs and spikes for a moment and get down to the nitty gritty. Bracelets should be kept simple, classy, and elegant on both men and women (unless you are fully subscribed to the rocker aesthetic, in which case, rock-on).

Do: Mix Materials

Bracelets get some leeway in terms of mixing materials. Don’t be afraid to mix beads, metals, and more to create a custom look. Just be careful with going overboard on the quantity.

Don’t: Neglect the Watch

Chances are that you’re wearing a watch, I say that because most men do. Mixing bracelets and watches have to be done carefully and with taste otherwise, your wrists will look unbalanced, and/or the textures and materials in your bracelets will demote the look of your watch.

Accessorizing with Necklaces

Necklace 2

Necklaces, or “chains” as they are commonly referred to in the men’s style space, are more common to find on men than bracelets are, but still to nearly as common as a watch or shades. most men have some kind of necklace or chain, and have been used almost exclusively as visible demonstrations of wealth and/or affiliations.

Do: Keep it classy.

Unless you are trying to send a very specific message, try to avoid being overly flashy or gaudy with a gold chain that looks like it weighs 20 pounds. Famous rappers from the 90s or red-carpet celebrities can pull these off because who is going to question them? They literally set style trends themselves. Other people may not get off so easily by being overly excessive to send that message.

Don’t: Disregard Length

The length of your necklace or chin makes a big difference in terms of how it is noticed. Longer necklaces are often more noticeable because of the larger area and how it overlaps with your shirt. Shorter necklaces or chains look more fitted and generally become less noticeable, but more “classy” and versatile with outfits.

Do: Layer Necklaces

Layering necklaces can be an awesome way to get that cool cascading effect. Just keep in mind that the best way to do this involves necklaces that all have different lengths or varying materials. None of these should be so over-the-top that they mask the others though.

Don’t: Neglect your Outfit Style

Does your outfit warrant a necklace or chain? Sometimes it doesn’t. For example, wearing crocs and cargo shorts during a fishing trip. Just saying, keep in mind that necklaces are often solely used as displays of wealth or affiliation, so make sure the rest of the outfit is appropriate to uphold that style trend.

Accessorizing With Rings

Rings 2

Rings are becoming more and more socially acceptable on men (wedding rings were always accepted, of course). In fact, in medieval times, rings were more often worn by men of nobility than on a woman. This is because, surprisingly, men used rings for a variety of practical purposes. Signet rings were used to sign official documents with a seal, rings were used to convey social status or affiliations in comradery, and more.

Do: Have A meaning

Just because men can wear rings with less stigma than before, doesn’t mean you need one on every finger. Rings are one of the most noticeable accessories because they are extended to the furthest edges of your arms, on your fingers. This makes them a natural conversation starter and it’s nice to have some kind of meaning behind why you’d be bold enough to wear them, unless you are a rockstar, in which case just go for it!

Don’t: Mix Metals

Bracelets and necklaces can get away with mixing metals because 1) necklaces are often seen on a shirt and not on your direct skin tone for contrast, and 2) bracelets can be worn on different wrists with a variety of materials to break up the stigma. Rings, on the other hand, are in such close proximity and with such little diversity in materials that mixing metals on your hands is noticeably harder to pull off.

Do: Wear With Confidence

Rings have to be worn with confidence, which is why it’s nice to have a meaning behind them that you can use to justify the ring. But, despite whether you have a meaning or not, deciding to wear a ring means that you must decide to wear it proudly and noticeably.

Don’t: Be Excessive

Excessive ring wearing won’t get you much more than awkward stares and weird looks, and this occurs by both men and women. You can send a powerful message by having 2 rings on each hand. Generally, the rule I like to follow is: there must be at least one finger between every ring you wear. But, take this with a grain of salt if you like that classic rock vibe and want to wear lots of rings.

Overall, men’s jewelry and accessories shouldn’t be complicated. By keeping things classy, minimal, and appropriate for the occasion, you can ensure that your accessories work to amplify your style instead of becoming the focus of your look as a whole.


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