

Post date: October 22, 2019 | Adventure

Rock the Grays, Salt and Pepper, or Full-Color? Here is the Greg Berzinsky Way


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         Greg’s Volt Color ONYX

Men deal with their graying beards in many different ways. Some guys just love the look and rock the gray every day. They cherish their beards and will not hesitate to tell you that they earned every grey hair they have.  On the other end of the spectrum, there are guys that shave it all off so they can deny that the gray exists. Somewhere in the middle, there are men that use grooming products such as hair dyes, beard dyes or temporary beard colors to either cover the gray or get that classic salt and pepper look.  We decided to go straight to the “Beardsman” himself, YouTube Legend Greg Berzinsky, to ask what works the best for him.

Volt Team How do you feel about beard coloring?
Greg B. I am known for my dramatically colored black and white beard. Although, I would never color it completely, I use Volt Instant Beard Color. It allows me to enhance my salt and pepper mustache to a dramatic effect.

Volt Team Have you used Volt on any other hair besides your beard?
Greg B. I have one gray eyebrow and one black one—Volt lets me even out the coloring for a more balanced look.

Volt Team What was your first impression when you received Volt?
Greg B.  “WOWed” at the packaging, the graphics, the clean dark lines…”

Volt Team Would you recommend Volt to other men?
Greg B.  I already have!

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There is no one way to cope with ageing and gray hair. It comes down to your life style, what you prefer, and what makes you feel the best. Greg Berzinsky is the perfect example of a man who embraces his beard and rocks the grays on an every day basis. However, Greg is also a perfectionist and a man with a distinctive style who likes things neat and balanced. Although Greg would not color his beard entirely, he uses Volt Instant Beard Color as a color enhancement rather than a cover up. Volt Instant Beard Color provides Greg with the perfect salt and pepper mustache that does not interfere with the rest of his grey beard, instead, it complements it.

In addition to enhancing his beard, Greg also uses the color to even out his eyebrows. Many men out there are very sensitive about their eyebrows as each eyebrow typically grays at different rates. Having one eyebrow a different color from the other is striking, yet some people may feel it is distracting and uneven.

Whatever you choose to do with your gray, make sure it reflects your personality and what makes you look and feel your best. Many men out there make the mistake of worrying more about what others think more than what actually makes them feel good about themselves. When it comes to your appearance, the grooming products you like to use are in your control so make sure they work for you.

Click here to watch Greg Berzinsky using Volt Instant Beard Color on his brow and mustache.

For more information about Volt Instant Beard Color and to find your shade click here.

About Greg Berzinsky

Model. Influencer. YouTuber. Architect. Designer. Artist. Face of Beardbrand. Husband. Father. Trained Architect, and currently the Director of Design at City Invincible (CI) in Camden, NJ, Greg also is a force in the world of Social Media, Branding, and Influencer Marketing. Spokesperson for Beardbrand with YouTube views in the millions offering tips on grooming hair, beard and skin. This Urban Beardsman enjoys working out, eating out, cooking in, and spending time in both the City of Philadelphia and in the country in the Endless Mountains of Pennsylvania. Married for 27 years to Mary, who he works with at CI, and father to Victor, 22, and Ava, 20, students at ASU and OSU.

For more information about Greg or to subscribe to his channel CLICK HERE


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